Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today I went to mops and I was very glad as we had an excellent speaker. She shared with us some poems that she has written and I loved them. With her permission I'm going to post them on here. I"m sure that you can identify as I did with them.

I'm TIred

I live a life filled with stuff and things
To do's add up like erutping springs

What am I doing it all for
Running to the church or to the store

I know that you have a plan for me
But does it include insanity

I know I won't win mother of the year
But today I gave hugs and wiped a tear

Here I go swimming in a sea of unmet expectations
I've gotta make dinner, clean the house, wash a load, call friends, and solve the issues of United Nations

Tell me houw easch of my small things will become a life
A life lived for You along with being a mother and wife

Help me O Lord, becuse I am tired
Doing an endless job, Can I request to be fired?

FIll me, Oh Lord, I have no where I'd rather be
The light just came on and I am running on empty

And there you are waiting with open arms for me
With a tank full of love giving compassionately

And Lord you knew all along that I was tired
But you let me run on caffeine until I was wired

I give up I've crashed and I think I need a 6 day nap
Then I realize you have held me close curled up in your lap

WIth you dear Lord I no longer need to be tired
YOu have filled me with your love and now I am inspired.
Michelle Price

Fearfullly and Wonderfully Made

You were fearfully and wonderfully made
Even before you were born and weighed

You sweet girl are made just by Him
No mistakes or could've been

You were made with freckles or curly hair
Every inch of you made with care

You wer given beautiful eyes
And yes even those thighs

He looked upon you with such pride
I wonder if he sang you lullabies

Your beauty He looks upon with wonder
No part of you was a blunder

You see to Him you are gorgeous beyond any to see
He knit you in your mothers womb uniquely

You were made valuable beyond rubies and gold
After He made you He broke the mold

He knew exactly what you would become
A wife, a teacher, and even a mom

There is only one you can never be replaced
God rejoiced the day you were fearfully and wonderfully made
Michele Price

me allegro de que esten por alla......

THis was in an email from Ramon's cousin. Someone who used to be very chavista. Someone who is a lawyer in venezuela. Here is another part of her email... aqui en venezuela las cosas estan mal... y si aprueban la supuesta reforma que no es ninguno reforma, pasaremos practicamente a otro cuba...... To see these words from her is not a good sign for venezuela.

Please, please pray for venezuela. On sunday they will be haveing voting again. Yesterday Chavez ex-wife was on tv begging for people to vote no. And apologizing for helping him in the beginning saying that she did not know that it was going to get this bad. Yesterday as students were protesting fighting broke out. Students were throwing rocks at the guards as guards were throwing tear gas at them. Ramon's family wants out and yet can't. If the rumors come true that we are hearing things are not going to be good this coming year. Please pray!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The other day as this picture was being taken tears came to my eyes. As I realized that something that Ramon and I have been talking about for more than 8 yrs is finally coming to pass. In exactly 2 weeks from today Ramon will be graduating! I can not even begin to explain how proud I am of him. He has grown into a strong, intelligent and Godly man since being at this school. He has always had a full schedule class wise. Never less than 18 credits every semester worked full time and has kept his focus on keeping his family number 1.

Ramon, I am so proud of you, more than words can explain. I am so glad that I have been able to go through this journey with you. We have had so many ups and downs and yet we always come out loving eachother more because of it. I consider myself priviledged to call myself your wife. I love you and the night of graduation I will be crying tears of happiness and pride. Job well done my love, well done!

Good TImes

Over the weekend Ramon and I were able to go away with some close friends of ours. People that we have know our whole lives. People that we grew up with. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed us to be able to share in this special time with them. THey came here to the school 1 year after Ramon started. We had visions of spending many nights playing games with them and drinking coffee together but life just kind of took over and before we knew it 3 yrs had gone by and we were getting ready to say goodbye. So even though we haven't spent that much time together we had a WONDERFUL weekend. It was so much fun and I'm very thankful for the 2 of them. So to you Esther and Mundo we will miss you guys more than you know.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Brotherly Love....

THis is what I walked into the living room this morning to see. Logan was watching cartoons and had gotten Jesse and his bottle up in the chair with him and they were watching cartoons together. THere are so many moments when the kids are fighting and I wonder "do they even like eachother?" So to walk out to this warmed my heart. What a terrific start to the day!


Mixed Emotions

I know I have written about this alot lately but there are some days when I think about leaving that I am so excited and other days when it scares me to death and then other days when my heart is breaking.
You see I've become comfortable living here. I enjoy my life here. I know what to expect, I have a routine people who mean the world to me. It scares me out of my mind to start this new phase of our lives. Have you ever read a book that was so good it was a little bit sad to close it for the the final time? If you have you will know what I mean when I say that is how I am feeling now. I will miss my tiny little apartment.... THere are so many things I'm going to miss.
And yet I'm excited to see what is going to go on in this next chapter and yet at the same time scared to death.

Lord, help me to get through this. Give me the strengh. Allow me to feel your arms around me when I'm sad. Help me to lean on you in this time. Help me to make time for you daily so that I will lean on you. Amen

Friday, November 16, 2007

Game night

I am on my way out the door for a game night! I love games! We are going to have popcorn and brownies and chips and sodas. And the kids will be occupied watching a movie projected on the side of the storage building. About 6 or 7 couples are coming. So...... Let the games begin!!!


THe last we heard was that the couple was going to be deported this evening and arriving in miami at 6:40.

Prayer Needed

I just want to ask all of you who read this to pray for a couple (friends of ours) who were arrested yesterday in venezuela. They are being deported to Miami today. The rumor is is that the wife and 2 kids will be deported and the husband will be left there in prison. That part no one is positive of yet. Please pray for them. There children are 4 and 11 mths and the wife (Sarah) is 5mths pregnant. THere names are Gary and Sarah Greenwood. THey were not allowed to go home and get any of there belongings.
This just proves venezuela is not as safe as some poeple are led to believe. Please be in prayer for this couple and for venezuela.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Then and Now

This first picture was taken in april of 2002 just days before our wedding.

THis second picture was taken on a mini vacation with friends in may of 2007. Oh how time flies.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

mommy can I hold your hand????

These were the words out of my 4 year olds mouth yesterday as we went to the grocery store. I love this kid with everything in me. As I was holding his little hand in mine I realized that in a couple of years he will no longer want to hold my hand. Let me take the time to tell you about my son Logan.
1)He is loyal
2)He is very energetic. Always going until you make him stop
3)He is very intelligent. He remembers things he did when he was 1
4)When he loves he does it with everything in him
5)He loves sports
6)He is kind and caring (sometimes)
7)He has a smile that lights up his face
8)He loves to help people
9)He needs to feel loved and in order for this he needs 1 on 1 time daily
10)He is a born again christian
I love you logan. You bring so much joy and laughter into my life! Thank you!

4 weeks left!!!!!!

Here I sit and I realized that we only have 4 weeks left till graduation. A day that we thought would never get here. It's been a long 4 yrs. So many things have happened in our life since being at this school. Many trying and difficult times and yet God has seen us through all of them. He took us through them and brought us out stronger people because of them.
4 weeks and we will be leaving the apartment that has been our home. Part of me is saddened by the thought of leaving. Sad for the friendships that I will leave behind. Sad for the freedom that my children have been able to have living here. THey are able to go outside and play and not worry. So many nights as the sun is setting you will hear the childrens voices floating inside and childhood laughter. I'm saddened for my kids as I know the life they about to embark on is a difficult one to get through.
And yet I'm hopeful as I know they can get through it. And Ramon and I will get through it. It's not an easy life missionary life but it's worth it.
So yes even though part of me is sad the other part is so excited and peaceful. Ramon asked me lastnight if i was scared to move to panama and my answer was immediate. No. I'm excited about moving back to latin america. Yes I know it won't be the same as venezuela but I love latin america with all it's imperfections. I'm excited to know finally what God has for us. I'm excited to start the work that HE has for panama. I'm excited to start this new adventure.
So as the boxes are being taped and pictures taken off the wall, I will wipe away a few tears. But not to worry the tears will not stay. As peace that can only come from a KING floods my soul I will be happy in the next 4 weeks!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


THere are days when you just know you shouldn't get out of bed. Today is one of those days..... I knew it wasn't going to be a good day for me the moment I opened my eyes and yet there wasn't alot I could do about it. Even before I pushed the covers off of me there were little hands knocking on the door and little voices informing me of what they needed. Some days I just need some time to myself. I need to be able to wake up and have a cup of coffee before my time is demanded by other people.
Packing..... That is a story in itself. I feel like i'm doing something almost non stop and yet you look around and nothing has changed. I need help and I don't have any. My husband is to busy with school and work to really help with things around here and I don't have my family around. I'm just tired and yes I'm struggling........

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

For my mother in law

This is dedicated to my mother in law, Josefina. I have been thinking about her so much. On september 30 Ramon passed his 5 yr mark of being here in the united states. My heart breaks for his family and his mother especially. As a mother I just can't imagine going 5 yrs without seeing one of my children. We never invisioned it being this long but money has never allowed us to go back for a visit. THere are days when my eyes just fill with tears when I think about how she must feel. My kids have never met her and that is sad itself. I know they would love her. She is just a bundle of fun, so much fun to be around. So Josefina I know you will more than likely never see this but this is for you. We love you and miss you more than you know. Hopefully one day soon we will see eachother on the soil's of venezuela!


Growing up in Venezuela had it's ups and downs. The downs weren't really the countrie's fault that had to do with other circumstances. But you see I love venezuela. It is a beautiful country with wonderful people. Even in the jungle is gorgeous. There is nothing like going out onto the river where the only noises to be heard is the birds and the quiet yet strong current flowing by. I love the jungle. As strange as that is for many of you to hear me say that I truly love venezuela and all it's many faults. Don't get me wrong I love the states as well but there is always going to be a piece of me that belongs in venezuela. Ramon finishing school in 5 weeks is very bittersweet for the both of us. We were supposed to be returning to venezuela but since we feel that door has been closed for our family we will be moving to panama instead. I'm excited about the idea of moving there but my heart cries out that we won't be able to go 'home' instead. It saddens us greatly when we think of the things that are happening there. It used to be a place where we could walk around and feel safe even us americans. But the reports we are getting now is that even for the national girls it's not safe for them to out alone. Please if you think of venezuela pray for it! Pray for the people who are living there and are struggling with the new laws, pray for the churches as they are trying to be wiped out, pray for the missionaries that are still there, and most importantly pray for the president! If God can change Pharoahs heart he can certainly change this one!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

My husband.....

Recently I read on a friends blog 15 things she loves about her husband. So I'm going to write about mine now to.
1) I love his passion and love for the Lord
2) I love his desire for more knowledge. The way he is always trying to better himself. Always trying to grow as a person, a father, a husband and a son.
3)I love the way he is with our children. Fun yet able to be firm at the same time.
4)I love his smile. It lights up his entire face.
5)I love his loyalty to people.
6)I love to listen to him teach the word of God. (you know what i mean pedro and steph. shhh keep it to yourselves now)
7)I love how much fun he is. He is always up for a good time.
8)I love his ability to make people feel so comfortable with him. The moment you meet him you feel as if he has been your best friend for a lifetime.
9)I love his ability to take control over a crazy situation.
10)I love the way he loves his parents. He is such a kind hearted son.
11)I love his laughter. It brightens up my world. 12)I love the way that he is not as impulsive as I am.
13)I love the way he loves me!
14)I love how he thinks of others.
15)He is one of the least selfish people I know, and I love that about him.
The bottom line. I am deeply, madly and passionatly in love with my husband! I love you Gago!