Monday, August 25, 2008

Sadness Once Again....

Today at around 4:00 Ramon's cousin died. We had been expecting this for awhile now. He actually lived longer than the doctor's expected him to. His name was Oscar and he been doing drugs for many many years. Him and his mother had lived with Ramon and his family for a very long time. So he was someone that Ramon was close to. As far as we know he was not saved. He had heard the Bible many times. We will always hold out hope that maybe someway somehow Christ got ahold of his heart in the last days. Even though we don't see how that could have been possible God does work in His own ways. So please please pray once again for the other part of our lives and our hearts. Because even though we haven't been with our family in venezuela for a very long time they are part of who we are. We have heard that Ramon's Aunt Glady's is not taking this well and is having a very difficult time. Glady's is also a Jehovah's witness so please pray that this will someway show her the true way to heaven.
The above picture is of Ramon's Aunt Glady's the day of our wedding. She is a woman who cares deeply for her family. Please, please pray for her as she is burying her son tomorrow. ANd pray most importantly for her soul.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Picture of the day

THis is my new favorite picture. Logan's face just cracks me up. And Jesse just looks like he is having so much fun. And Jhocy is right in the middle her favorite place to be.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


All of the kids needed haircuts. SO any of you who know Ramon and I well enough should be able to figure out what we did. Any takers???? Yep you guessed it........
We did it ourselves!!! I have to admit I think they turned out super cute. Jesse looks the most different. As you can tell if you look at the post below this one. Anyways enjoy!

Sunday, August 3, 2008