Thursday, April 26, 2007

Summer Fun

This is Stephanie again. Erin and Ramon’s house is the favorite neighborhood hangout, because they have this wonderful pool! The first picture is of Logan with his friends Eva and Sofia. (Eva is my daughter and as Erin mentioned, she and Logan are very good friends! )


This is Erin’s friend/neighbor Stephanie writing! I enjoy taking pictures of her beautiful family and offered to post some of them on her blog … these were taken on April 13 at my son’s 2nd birthday party. Enjoy!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Logan's Birthday

Aargh................... How many little pirates does it take to tire out 1 set of parents????? I know, 8! Here are all the little ones from Logan's birthday party. His theme was pirates so they got to go on a treasure hunt. Here is the cake. Pirates of the Caribean was the theme.
For once I actually got him right as he was blowing out his candles!
This is Logan's friend Eva. They seem to have little crushes going on for eachother. She was the one person he kept saying over and over to invite. :)
Here is a shirt we had all the kids sign. We wanted to have something for him to remeber the people here that were important to him.
The party was a huge success. He got lots of great presents. THings that he has been asking for for a while. The kids were exhausted by the end of the day. Logan and Jhocy were asleep before 6:30. I knew the party was a success when I heard one of the kids say "THis is the best party ever, it's better than Christmas!!!!"

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The sweetness of being a child again

Today is my 24th birthday. As I'm sitting here thinking of the life that has passed me by already and listening to my children I can't help but think that I would love to go back to my early childhood yrs just for a day (or 2) to be a kid again. Now don't get me wrong I love my life and i wouldn't change it. It's just to kids everyday is magical. My son Logan is so awesome to watch and listen to on a daily basis. Yesterday we went to an aquarime in Corpus Christi and he loved it. As we were watching the Dolphine show I was reminded how innocent children are. My husband and I were sitting there a little bored and hoping it would get over with when Logan in complete awe over what he was seeing said "I wish i could be a dolphine." It was said in a hushed little voice but we heard it, it was a magical moment for him. So here on my birthday I'm hoping to get back a little bit of that magic that we had as children and enjoy everyday because it's a day we will never get back. And i'm going to allow my kids to stay as sweet and innocent for as long as possible.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Logan and Daddy wrestling

Now you must know that ever since Logan could crawl Ramon started getting down on the ground and wrestling with him. The 2 of them wrestle very rough to. Ramon has always done the following to Logan "Do you give up? YES! Don't just give up tell me why you give up! Because I give up! BUt why do you give up?! And Logan's answer... Because I'm a baby!!!!!"
Now Logan's goal in life has been to get his daddy to say the same thing to him. He always doing crazy things and when you ask him what he is doing he will calmly say "Getting energy to beat my daddy" Till finally he got that energy!
One day they were wrestling and Logan had his daddy down and there was no getting out. And Logan goes "Do you give up? Yes! Don't just give up tell me why you give up! Because I give up! And Ramon's answer..... Because I'm a baby!!!!!!"
Logan couldn't have been prouder! He was telling us all about how he made his daddy say he was a baby......