Christmas is literally just around the corner. In fact I have been watching Christmas movies all day and I even starting going through decorations and finding my stockings (thanks Esther!) I love this time of year. It is truly my FAVORITE time of year. I love the music, the movies, the cookies and cakes, the parties, the presents, the sweaters and boots, but most of all I just love the feeling of christmas. It has such a feeling of hope intertwined into it. THe feeling like you know something amazing is about to happen. The feeling that even though times are hard it's ok because it's CHRISTMAS!!! I wonder at times that even though the world so long ago had no idea that Christ was about to be born if they had that same feeling? THe feeling that something truly amazing is about to happen? Do you think it's possible, did the world feel that the savior was on His way?
This christmas is going to be a little different for us. Ramon and I have decided that we are not buying toys for our kids this year. We will buy them other things but not toys. WHy? Because I get so tired of them wanting and wanting something and then as soon as they have it they are done with it and want the next best thing. We have been talking to them and explaining to them what Christmas is truly about and why we really celbrate. And see this is actually hard for me. I want them to have the toys they so desperatly want. I want to buy them the next best thing and yet deep inside I know that it's best for them if I don't give in. I don't want kids that grow up EXPECTING to always get what they want. I want my kids to realize that there are other things in life than getting what you want. So we will have a wonderful christmas with eachother and have a wonderful holiday season but it will be toy free....