Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jesse's First BIrthday!

Well, I know these pics are late. But my camera wasn't working and we finally got it to work today so here we go. THe first cake is the one that everyone got to eat and then Jesse got his own cake which is the one you see him devouring. As you can see he loved this part of the party. :)
BTW: All my kids cakes are done by my older sister Tami.

My First Garden

Ok so the Rose doesn't look that hot in this pic. BUt it looked really beautiful today. THe Rain was kinda messing up the pictures. BUt these are my first flowers ever I have had to actually bloom. THe rose bush is actually the first one I have ever had and I am completly enjoying checking on it every morning to see how it is coming along!! So far I have 4 blooms and this one is the first to start opening! Oh God's creation I just can't get enough of it.

Taken JUst Today!