Thursday, April 3, 2008

Have You Ever Stopped to Think....

Have you ever stopped to think what will your kids remember about you when your gone?
Will you leave behind a legacy that leaves them feeling proud,
Will they think about you and immediately think of GOd?

Have you ever stopped to think what will your friends remember about you when your gone?
Will they think about you and say "She always walked with God?"
Will they remember you and be glad?

Have you ever stopped to think what will your spouse remember about you when your gone?
Will he remember you and know you loved him with your all?
Will he think of you and and know your worth was far above rubies and gold?

Have you ever stopped to think what will your testimony say about you when your gone?
Will you be remembered as a child of the King or one who simply lived?
Will people simply know where you are because of your testimony or will they have a small doubt?

Have you ever stopped to think???

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