Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Tonight is Ramon's graduation banquet! SO many emotions this week. So please forgive me if some of my post are bit confusing but this has become the place for me to get my feelings out so welcome to graduation week from the eyes (and heart) of the wife.
When we first got here it felt as if the 2 yrs were never going to be up, as if we were just going to live the rest of our lives here. And now........ Ramon is graduating! I can not believe it. 2 years after we started dating Ramon was talking about coming here. SO this has been a work in progress for more than 8 years. Over the past 4 years since living here this place has become my home. The only home really that my children know. Logan who always wanted to move back to virginia and has always shown excitement about moving. Came to me the other day with tears in his eyes telling me that he didn't want to move. He wanted to know what was going to happen to his room and to his friends. I know he will survive this missionary kid thing (I did) but I do know that it's hard for him.
I just can't believe Ramon is graduating. I am so proud of him. He has worked hard and deserves so much. Way to go babe!
Anyways off to get ready for tonight. Have a great night out there in cyberspace.

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